What do I need to know before starting any training?
- You must be over 18 to hold an SIA licence
- Individuals applying for a front line SIA licence must hold the relevant licence-linked qualification
- If you have a criminal record, it does not necessarily mean that you will not get a licence - sia.homeoffice.gov.uk offers a criminal record indicator - use it before you book on to a course
- You will not be granted a front line licence unless you have the right to work in the UK
- Mental health is considered by the SIA in its licencing decisions, if you have been compulsorily detained or been subject to other compulsory measures in the five years prior to your application please consult sia.homeoffice.gov.uk
- The SIA will not look for any other information but if they are made aware of SIA Warnings, County Court judgements, CCTV or other video footage, ancillary orders - this can be taken into consideration as well as the compulsory criteria
How long does it take to get a licence and how much does it cost?
An SIA licence will allow you to complete your course and apply for a licence within a few weeks.
Dardan Security does not typically sponsor frontline licences but offers other training to licenced professionals. First Aid, CCTV and qualifications to work in specialist sectors are where we invest significantly in our employees.
The aviation industry offers qualifications such as Ground Security Operative (GSO) and NXCT (National X-Ray Competency Test) - if you were to apply with these qualifications, they are just as valuable as an SIA licence.
An SIA licence costs £220 and the course can cost between £150 and £250. There are options to get help with these costs:
- The government’s Education and Skills Funding Agency fund all types of training and courses depending on your circumstances
- The Job Centre - funding for training to get back into work or find a job
- Local Council Schemes - start out with your local council or seek information from your local library or citizens advice
If you already have an NVQ Level 2 in Providing Security Services (must include units 224, HSS1, ICS9, SLP2, SLP4, SLP6, SLP7, SLP8) you may be exempt.
What security licence do I need?
Dardan Security have a strong preference for Security Officers, Security Guards, Security Receptionists with a front line licence - SIA Door Supervisor.
Control Room duties in most cases require a CCTV licence, dual licenced professionals are highly valued.
There are two types of SIA licence:
A front line licence is required if undertaking licensable activity, other than key holding activities (this also covers undertaking non-front line activity).
A non-front line licence is required for those who manage, supervise and/or employ individuals who engage in licensable activity, as long as front line activity is not carried out.
There are a range of licences for the services Dardan Security provide:
- Door Supervisors - highly valued by Dardan and our clients
- Public Space Surveillance (CCTV) - highly valued particularly if you are dual licenced or working in control rooms
- Key Holding - there are no training and qualifications required for a key holding licence but Dardan will send all mobile security officers on a key holding course as part of their training. A Security Guard or Door Supervisor licence is still required for mobile security along with a valid UK drivers licence
There are also other licences that may be suited to other security providers and services:
- Cash & Valuables in Transit
- Close Protection
- Security Guard
- Vehicle Immobilisers